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Frequently asked questions

Program installation

OPTIMIK is intended for Windows operating system only. On MacBook computers, it could be used e.g. via the BootCamp tool.
More information can be found at: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201468
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Yes, but only on a local area network (i.e. not via the Internet). The advantage is that you do not have to pay any additional fees for this option and you have all the data (database) under control - on your own computer. All you have to do is install a free Firebird server on this computer and place the database here. Please read this manual for more information.

Yes, the commercial license allows you to use the program on other computers that you own. The total number of activated copies of the program must not exceed the given number (you can find information about the limits of individual versions on the Versions and prices page).

If you are moving the program from one computer to another, do not forget to first deactivate the license on the original computer. This will release the license from that computer and allow it to be moved to another computer. If for any reason the deactivation is not carried out, this computer will still be considered active and will thus affect the remaining number of activations. Deactivation cannot be done "remotely" only via the original computer.

You can deactivate it very easily - just click on the title in the upper left of the main window (the inscription OPTIMIK) and then on the Deactivate button. You then reactivate the license on a new computer in a similar way.

Program update

We provide all registered users of version 3.xx with the license for version 4 free of charge. If you have not yet received an activation code, write to us. However, Optimik 4 is not a newer version, it is a completely new, reworked program. It contains many improvements and new, requested functions. Therefore, it is not possible to transfer all data from version 3 to version 4 (mainly jobs, cutting plans, documents or modified print reports). However, other data (stock items, business partners, product catalog, all additional records and settings) can be transferred.

You can keep Optimik 3 installed on your computer (it is also possible to use it in parallel with version 4) and, if necessary, search for older data there. If you have also used Optimik 3 in cooperation with another application or you use many of your own print reports, please set aside sufficient time to switch to Optimik 4. 

During the development of the program, it is sometimes necessary to expand or modify the structure of the database. These adjustments are made automatically the first time you run a newer version, but before that, the program prompts you to perform a mandatory database backup.

If you use the program "through a network", you can make a backup only on the computer where this database is physically located. Therefore, run the newer version on the server first, and after updating the database, you can connect to it from client computers.
If you use the Cutting Assistant, you must also download its latest version

Author of the program

© Rastislav Korytár
info (&) optimik.com